Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hi everyone.

Second round of chemotherapy has begun today.  Hello from the 4th Floor!  I have approximately 2 1/2 hours left here in the Infusion Suite.  Feeling okay -- just drowsy and very warm.     The heat on this end of the suite is a bit high, so it's not just me.  

Had an appt with the doc before coming here and she adjusted my meds a bit.  Am hoping for less harsh effects on my system this go-around -- we will see!  Please, please pray!

Have an appt next Tuesday to go to the "Look Good, Feel Better" session, where I can play around with makeup, wigs, and scarves, and maybe get some of that stuff for my own for free.  I have 2 knit/crocheted hats to wear over my just-about-absolutely bald head right now.  One hat was made my neighbor, and one by by mom.  But they may be a bit warm soon.  They are definitely nice at night, keep my head warm and my pillow less hairy.  Picked up some wig/scarf brochures here at the Center -- there are some real cute ones!  Scarves are definitely cheaper than wigs.  Hoping I can get one or two soon. 

Benadryl has worn off again I think -- am experiencing that "antsy" feeling in my legs again.  Am going to sign off for now.  More later!  Thanks ever so much for your loving prayers.  I love you all!  ♥  ✞Caroline


Kilou said...

It is so refreshing to read your blog. I wish I could go with you on tuesday!! I hope you have fun! You have such a positive attitude and I love you do much!!!

Kilou said...

Just saw I made a mistake in my last comment; I guess you know I mean: I love you so much!!"
I have such a hard time getting to make my comments stick.
Anyhow; I like the "new" blog; I liked the other one too! I especially like your new picture! You really look good!
I love that smile and those dimples; I know that you don't have enough good days when you feel like smiling but thank you for giving us a nice smile when you can. I miss you so much; so glad Caley is there with you; nothing better than your daughter to be near you. Praying throughout the day. Hugs and kisses. XOXOXOXOXO