Thursday, April 5, 2012

A great day!

Caroline had a great day for several reasons:
1) Limited pain
2) No pain meds throughout the entire day, except 8 AM (for preventive maintenance)
3) Nausea was non-existent
4) Had lots of good food - maybe more than me
5) Energy level was very good
6) Good visit with the doctors
7) Everybody we met today was very positive
8) Chemo went well
9) Caroline got a haircut by a special friend

And Steve had a great day for several reasons too:
1) Caroline had a great day
2) Naomi had a great day
3) Caley had a great day
4) My stress level dropped by about 80%

God bless,


Kilou said...

Aww!! I love you guys so much! I am having a great start to a good day because I read this!!!

Sue Hinkle said...

Thanks be to God for His blessings! We are praying for you and your family!