Thursday, September 27, 2012

Holding Steady, Praising God

Hi Everyone,

It's been a long time since my last post and I just wanted to let those of you who don't have Facebook know that I am doing okay. At my doctor's appointment a week ago I found out that my CA-125 is the same as my last reading: 6! My pelvic exam looked good and the doctor wants to see me every 3 months. I thank you all for your love and prayers and I praise God for His answers!

My hair is growing back!  There is more thickness than length, except the temples and sides are thinner (so I didn't take pictures of those areas - ha ha).  Plus there are more white hairs at the sides, which makes it look like I have even less hair there!  Yuk!  Oh well, it will get better!  Naomi calls me her little duck because my hair feels so soft.  =)

Had a little family re-union earlier this month. It was so wonderful and so fun to see everyone -- well, almost everyone. (Wish you and the girls could have made it, Renee.)  Here's a picture taken in our garage.

I am doing well -- but still have some of the same issues. I am trying to wean myself off of the anti-depressant since it doesn't help with the hot flashes like we had hoped. I hate being on medicines and want to get off this one in particular, if I can. Apparently withdrawal symptoms can be nightmarish (as I found out on the web,not from my doctor), so I am going slowly. So far so good. I have noticed a little more crying and slight headaches, but this is nothing compared to some people's experiences. I will continue at this level for a while so my body adjusts and then decrease a little more, gradually, over time. Sure would appreciate your prayers about this. I thought I had found a solution recently to the hot flashes by taking red clover tea, but apparently it isn't consistent.  It does seem to help some nights. Last night I got 7 hours sleep, which is pretty good! Yay!

I tested my pH and found I was on the acidic side (which most of us probably are here in the U.S.), which promotes disease.  So am trying to eat more vegetables and fruits -- been juicing some greens -- in order to get my pH more on the alkaline side.  It's not easy re-training your taste buds!

Well, time to say bye for now. I hope all of you are doing well. Thank you so much for your love and support and encouragement and prayers. I love you all and pray for you, too!   ~Caroline <3