Monday, March 19, 2012

Let There Be Light! and internet, and phones, etc......

Praise the Lord!  Our electricity came on last night right before midnight, after approximately 12 hours without it.  Thankfully, we had an old-fashioned dial-up phone hanging out in the back room, and flashlights and an electric camping lantern, battery-powered laptop to watch a movie on, and a little charge left on our cell phones.  And, best of all, wonderful neighbors who took our frozen and other foods into their own refrigerator/freezer.  Seems like all our neighbors on our cul-de-sac, except the one directly east, had electricity.  We were apparently on the edge of a major outage east of us. 

But all is good now.  Didn't get cold, or run out of hot water, or anything serious.  God is taking care of us.  Am going moment by moment here, trying to find something to eat now and then that doesn't nauseate me.  Tortilla chips, home-cooked beans, tomatoes, and avocadoes has been a major success, but only at certain times of the day.  Nibbling on thinly sliced apples right now.  So far so good with them.  Just can't do very much at once.

This is hard, but I have to say, God is Good.  I feel like such a wimp sometimes, because I know many have gone through so much worse than I am going through.  But my sweet friend, who's going through her own trials, responded to my text with, "I don't see a wimp in you at all!  You're strong and an inspiration to me."  Thank you, sweet friend, you made me smile.

There really is a lot to smile about.  The skies are blue today, instead of gray with dust and high winds.  (thought a tornado was blowing through here yesterday; wonder about the stories behind all the power outages).  Got a little bit of moisture from the snow last night, and it is already mostly soaked into the thirsty ground.  My beautiful daughter is taking excellent care of me.  And my other beautiful daughter is doing God's work, and having fun, on her mission trip.  Keep Steve in prayer as he is traveling this week.  He needs to focus on his work right now -- I am in good hands here. 

Time to go for now.  Trying to keep these posts shorter rather than longer.  :)

My heartfelt love and thanks to you all for your love and prayers.  You know I pray for you too, and thank my God for you always.



kilou said...

Caroline, so good and inspiring to read your blog!
I knew you'd be in good hands with Caley there!
Please don't try to do what you did when I was there - no over doing it!
you need your rest and strength to recover.
I love you and pray for you all.

~marci~ said...

Small frequent meals/snacks works! You are all in our prayers. You are a blessing!

Caroline said...

Mom, no worry about overdoing. everything hurts most of the time. i am in survival mode. please just pray.

Marci, so glad J is home. wish i had more appetite for the small meals and even for the fluids. am trying to drink as much as i can; don't want to go to hospital.

i hate to keep asking, but everyone PLEASE keep praying. i believe God is answering, but it is still so hard! trying to stay positive and keep my sense of humor. but He understands when i cry out to Him. I know He does.

Love you all. Caroline

Kilou said...

You got my prayers as I know so many others; Please, know that you are so much in my thoughts and prayers!!
I love you so much. Hang in there kiddo!!

Angie said...

I just want you to know, you are in my thoughts and prayers almost every waking second. I know God is going to get you through this. Love you sis

Karie said...

Many years have passed since since our families have been together. Know that prayer and love is being sent to you and your family for strength and courage. We love you Caroline! Many hugs....