Monday, March 5, 2012

CT Scan Tuesday

Tomorrow morning I am scheduled for a CT scan.  Pray for it to show no new tumors/spots since the surgery.  The doctor wants to start chemo this week, but pray with me that either I will be strong enough or the doctor will agree to give me a little more time to get stronger.  It is so hard to eat well and take those nasty-tasting nutrients when you feel nauseated or are in pain.  My intestines seem to be taking a long time to heal from the colon re-sectioning.  But my scar is healing nicely and I have more energy overall.  Just the digestion thing is not working so great -- and that's so important in getting stronger......

Thanks for your love and prayers, everyone.  I love you all.  Caroline ©

Balancing Act

Balance is so important, and so difficult to achieve sometimes!  It's especially important when you're sick, right?  The devil throws stuff at you and before you realize it you are stressing over stuff which it seems no one else can take care of but you.  That's when God has to step in and remind you: Give it to Me, Let others handle it, Get some rest.  Oh, how hard that is to do.

Things are coming together for Naomi's mission trip.  Lot of stressing going on last night, but it's all good now.  God has our backs!

Thank you, Lord, for taking care of things.  Yes, we have to do our part it seems, but help us to remember to relax a bit more in the process.   All my love, Caroline